Thursday, January 6, 2011

My first blind order

Well, I scoured Motoyama on my lengthy break to discover a new place to eat. Because of my language issue and the usual shortness of my breaks, I've been limited to (PETA forgive me) KFC and this place called The Don. The Don serves udon and ground sushi-like stuff over rice (I think it's called don, hence the name, but I'm only guessing). Lucky for illiterate me, it has a picture menu, so I point and say "onageishimas" while performing a slight bow. I hope it's enough to not look like a stupid gaijin, but probably not. Ok fine, absolutely not. Hrmph.

Anyways, I walked up and down six streets and found nothing besides a French coffee cafe looking place and a Mister Donut. I'd be up to my ears in choices if every hair salon I saw also served food. But this is not true and thus my journey continued.

The wind bitch-slapped my face the entire time turning my nose a rudolf red. Sometimes the wind almost knocks me over and I feel like a frozen paper doll. Then I realize my hands are so cold I can't feel them and wonder if they would shatter if they fell off and hit the pavement.

Finally, I went down a side street that I knew had a few places to offer.

Some places in Japan showcase plasticized items you can find on their menus. These are in a glass case outside their door so passer-bys can check out the goods before entering. Thats my kind of window shopping!

I chose an udon and miso-katsu place because honestly, there's nothing else around. I also noticed a white board with two lunch specials (so I was assuming).

Most doors to shops open automatically in Japan, and in some cases you just have to touch the door and it will open. It's magical like a unicorn. Well this door wasn't opening no matter how I caressed it. Prude. I started to walk away defeated like ugly guys at bars when suddenly an toothless old lady flung the door open for me.

I was seated at the table and realized there were no pictures on the menu. Ruh roh.

I looked at the order form and saw A, B and C options so when she arrived I cleverly had my mouth full of water, unable to speak! I pointed at A, bowed and made a confirming grunt.

Who the hell knows what I ordered? Its exciting and scary not knowing. I glanced around to see what other people were eating and it seemed they were having udon with a side of cigarettes.

Here's what I blindly ordered:

It was udon with lettuce and green onions, pickled radishes, some kind of sweet fermented cabbage and a chicken and egg mixture served over rice.

I think I was pretty lucky. So I slurped up my noodles and ate my lunch like a good girl.

I think I might try this approach more often. It's better than wring the same things every day jut because they are the only things I know.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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